Marketers spend countless amounts of money trying to generate traffic to websites. In reality, the most difficult part of the internet marketing process is converting those visitors to buyers. The average conversion rate across all industries is 2.35%, but the best websites boost conversion rates of 11% or greater. So, what makes a visitor convert to a customer? Why would your website be generating traffic, but no sales? Here are four reasons why.
1. Buying Process Complexity
In this digital era, consumers value accessibility and convenience. This sentiment carries over to their shopping habits, especially when shopping online. If the process for buying the product or service is complex, website visitors will be less likely to buy. In fact, approximately 70% of people abandon a purchase because of a complex buying process. Factors like signing in to create an account, or many unnecessary steps can deter users from converting to buyers, so creating the most simple and pain-free process will create conversions.
2. Landing Page Woes
Landing pages should be optimized to turn leads into conversions. One reason that a website isn’t generating conversions could be because of its landing pages. As mentioned above, the average conversion rate is 2.35%, but landing pages can be optimized for better conversion rates. With landing pages, less is more, so marketers should avoid bombarding the page with multiple offers. Putting multiple offers on a single landing page decreases conversions by 266%. Additionally, landing pages asking for personal information, such as name, gender, or birthday, tend to have the worst conversion rates. It is also important for websites to ensure their landing pages are mobile-friendly, as 54.8% of global website traffic was from mobile devices.
3. Lack of Communication
One of the major drawbacks to online shopping is that consumers must do it by themselves. In-person shopping offers consumers the opportunity to speak to knowledgeable salespeople when they have questions or concerns about the product or service. Online, this is much more difficult to pull off and is one of the main reasons why online stores fail to convert visitors. Online shopping websites should consider implementing a replacement for a salesperson, such as a live chatbot (particularly aNinja’s), that visitors can speak to when they have questions.
4. Privacy Concerns
As the digital era progresses, so do the concerns regarding our security, privacy, and personal information online. Nearly everything is done online nowadays, including shopping. Before sharing payment information and making a purchase on a website, consumers want to make sure that website is a safe and secure place for their personal information. If they feel like their information could be compromised, the majority of consumers will abandon their purchase. In fact, a study by Wyng found that 70% of consumers abandon their purchases due to privacy concerns.